36 research outputs found

    Differential spatial distribution of miR165/6 determines variability in plant root anatomy

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    A clear example of interspecific variation is the number of root cortical layers in plants. The genetic mechanisms underlying this variability are poorly understood, partly due to the lack of a convenient model. Here, we demonstrate that Cardamine hirsuta, unlike Arabidopsis thaliana, has two cortical layers that are patterned during late embryogenesis. We show that a miR165/6-dependent distribution of the HOMEODOMAIN LEUCINE ZIPPER III (HD-ZIPIII) transcription factor PHABULOSA (PHB) controls this pattern. Our findings reveal that interspecies variation in miRNA distribution can determine differences in anatomy in plants

    A PHABULOSA/cytokinin feedback loop controls root growth in arabidopsis

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    The hormone cytokinin (CK) controls root length in Arabidopsis thaliana by defining where dividing cells, derived from stem cells of the root meristem, start to differentiate [ [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6]]. However, the regulatory inputs directing CK to promote differentiation remain poorly understood. Here, we show that the HD-ZIPIII transcription factor PHABULOSA (PHB) directly activates the CK biosynthesis gene ISOPENTENYL TRANSFERASE 7 (IPT7), thus promoting cell differentiation and regulating root length. We further demonstrate that CK feeds back to repress both PHB and microRNA165, a negative regulator of PHB. These interactions comprise an incoherent regulatory loop in which CK represses both its activator and a repressor of its activator. We propose that this regulatory circuit determines the balance of cell division and differentiation during root development and may provide robustness against CK fluctuations

    Plant Science's Next Top Models

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    Model organisms are at the core of life science research. Notable examples include the mouse as a model for humans, baker's yeast for eukaryotic unicellular life and simple genetics, or the enterobacteria phage λ in virology. Plant research was an exception to this rule, with researchers relying on a variety of non-model plants until the eventual adoption of Arabidopsis thaliana as primary plant model in the 1980s. This proved to be an unprecedented success, and several secondary plant models have since been established. Currently, we are experiencing another wave of expansion in the set of plant models

    A PHABULOSA-Controlled Genetic Pathway Regulates Ground Tissue Patterning in the Arabidopsis Root

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    In both animals and plants, development involves anatomical modifications. In the root of Arabidopsis thaliana, maturation of the ground tissue (GT)—a tissue comprising all cells between epidermal and vascular ones—is a paradigmatic example of these modifications, as it generates an additional tissue layer, the middle cortex (MC).1, 2, 3, 4 In early post-embryonic phases, the Arabidopsis root GT is composed of one layer of endodermis and one of cortex. A second cortex layer, the MC, is generated by asymmetric cell divisions in about 80% of Arabidopsis primary roots, in a time window spanning from 7 to 14 days post-germination (dpg). The cell cycle regulator CYCLIN D6;1 (CYCD6;1) plays a central role in this process, as its accumulation in the endodermis triggers the formation of MC.5 The phytohormone gibberellin (GA) is a key regulator of the timing of MC formation, as alterations in its signaling and homeostasis result in precocious endodermal asymmetric cell divisions.3,6,7 However, little is known on how GAs are regulated during GT maturation. Here, we show that the HOMEODOMAIN LEUCINE ZIPPER III (HD-ZIPIII) transcription factor PHABULOSA (PHB) is a master regulator of MC formation, controlling the accumulation of CYCD6;1 in the endodermis in a cell non-autonomous manner. We show that PHB activates the GA catabolic gene GIBBERELLIN 2 OXIDASE 2 (GA2ox2) in the vascular tissue, thus regulating the stability of the DELLA protein GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE (GAI)—a GA signaling repressor—in the root and, hence, CYCD6;1 expression in the endodermis

    Inhibition of Polycomb Repressive Complex2 activity reduces trimethylation of H3K27 and affects development in Arabidopsis seedlings

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    Background: Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) is an epigenetic transcriptional repression system, whose catalytic subunit (ENHANCER OF ZESTE HOMOLOG 2, EZH2 in animals) is responsible for trimethylating histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27me3). In mammals, gain-of-function mutations as well as overexpression of EZH2 have been associated with several tumors, therefore making this subunit a suitable target for the development of selective inhibitors. Indeed, highly specific small-molecule inhibitors of EZH2 have been reported. In plants, mutations in some PRC2 components lead to embryonic lethality, but no trial with any inhibitor has ever been reported. Results: We show here that the 1,5-bis (3-bromo-4-methoxyphenyl)penta-1,4-dien-3-one compound (RDS 3434), previously reported as an EZH2 inhibitor in human leukemia cells, is active on the Arabidopsis catalytic subunit of PRC2, since treatment with the drug reduces the total amount of H3K27me3 in a dose-dependent fashion. Consistently, we show that the expression level of two PRC2 targets is significantly increased following treatment with the RDS 3434 compound. Finally, we show that impairment of H3K27 trimethylation in Arabidopsis seeds and seedlings affects both seed germination and root growth. Conclusions: Our results provide a useful tool for the plant community in investigating how PRC2 affects transcriptional control in plant development

    Alternate wiring of a KNOXI genetic network underlies differences in leaf development of A. thaliana and C. hirsuta

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    Two interrelated problems in biology are understanding the regulatory logic and predictability of morphological evolution. Here, we studied these problems by comparing Arabidopsis thaliana, which has simple leaves, and its relative, Cardamine hirsuta, which has dissected leaves comprising leaflets. By transferring genes between the two species, we provide evidence for an inverse relationship between the pleiotropy of SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) and BREVIPEDICELLUS (BP) homeobox genes and their ability to modify leaf form. We further show that cis-regulatory divergence of BP results in two alternative configurations of the genetic networks controlling leaf development. In C. hirsuta, ChBP is repressed by the microRNA164A (MIR164A)/ChCUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON (ChCUC) module and ChASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (ChAS1), thus creating cross-talk between MIR164A/CUC and AS1 that does not occur in A. thaliana. These different genetic architectures lead to divergent interactions of network components and growth regulation in each species. We suggest that certain regulatory genes with low pleiotropy are predisposed to readily integrate into or disengage from conserved genetic networks influencing organ geometry, thus rapidly altering their properties and contributing to morphological divergence

    Root stem cells: how to establish and maintain the eternal youth

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    Differently from animals, most of the plant organs are generated during post-embryonic development. This depends on meristems, regions located at the distal sides of the plants. In the meristems a set of self-renewal stem cells divides asymmetrically providing new cells to the growing organs. During embryogenesis, the acquisition of stem cell identity by two different sets of cells located at the basal and apical pole of the embryo, guarantees the generation of the primary meristems: the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and the root apical meristem (RAM). During post-embryonic growth these sets of stem cells are maintained and give rise to all organs of the mature plant, sustaining its growth. Here we review the state of the art on the actual knowledge on root stem cells. In particular, we focus on those mechanisms that permit stem cell fate acquisition and that allow their fate maintenance during growth, and how interspecific variability of stem cells activity provides differences in species-specific anatomical features

    Meristems, Stem Cells, and Stem Cell Niches in Vascular Land Plants-Chapter 6

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    All tissues and organs in vascular plants derive from a pool of undifferentiated, totipotent cells known as stem cells that divide repeatedly and asymmetrically to feed a growing organ with newly amplified cells. The evolution of stem cells and their organization within meristems of different types allowed the diversification of vascular land plant species, which have spread and diversified since the mid-Devonian period (about 400 Mya). Stem cells are set aside very early during de novo organogenesis to sustain the development of leaves, roots, and flowers throughout plant life cycles. The evolution of stem cells was essential for plant survival and integrating external/ exogenous stimuli with internal/endogenous mechanisms that allow coherent and plastic organ development and tissue replenishment. Stem cells are of pivotal importance for plant exploration of the surrounding space, both above and below the ground, for tissue repair and integration and to establish new generation during embryogenesis. This chapter highlights the basic principles of plant stem cell biology and their deployment in the evolution in vascular land plants. We discuss the advances made by studying model plants, particularly thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana, focusing on specification of plant meristems during early stages of embryogenesis and maintenance of meristem integrity during undetermined organ growth. Also, we examine the evolutionary appearance of stem cells and their organization in extinct and extant vascular land-plant phyla, the different types of meristematic structures in lycophytes, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms,1 and the importance of stem cells’ activity for root and shoot evolution and for strategies of branching morphogenesis

    Emerging role of cytokinin as a regulator of cellular differentiation

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    Perhaps the most amazing feature of plants is their ability to grow and regenerate for years, sometimes even centuries. This fascinating characteristic is achieved thanks to the activity of stem cells, which reside in the shoot and root apical meristems. Stem cells function as a reserve of undifferentiated cells to replace organs and sustain postembryonic plant growth. To maintain meristem function, stem cells have to generate new cells at a rate similar to that of cells leaving the meristem and differentiating, thus achieving a balance between cell division and cell differentiation. Recent findings have improved our knowledge on the molecular mechanisms necessary to establish this balance and reveal a fundamental signaling role for the plant hormone cytokinin. Evidence has been provided to show that in the root meristem cytokinin acts in defined developmental domains to control cell differentiation rate, thus controlling root meristem size. © 2007

    Patterning the Axes: A Lesson from the Root

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    How the body plan is established and maintained in multicellular organisms is a central question in developmental biology. Thanks to its simple and symmetric structure, the root represents a powerful tool to study the molecular mechanisms underlying the establishment and maintenance of developmental axes. Plant roots show two main axes along which cells pass through different developmental stages and acquire different fates: the root proximodistal axis spans longitudinally from the hypocotyl junction (proximal) to the root tip (distal), whereas the radial axis spans transversely from the vasculature tissue (centre) to the epidermis (outer). Both axes are generated by stereotypical divisions occurring during embryogenesis and are maintained post-embryonically. Here, we review the latest scientific advances on how the correct formation of root proximodistal and radial axes is achieved